How You Doin'
We are a group of loved ones who have come together to ensure future success for Bob's kids. They were, and still are, his proudest achievements. One of his final wishes was to put his insurance money toward investment accounts for his kids. We hope to further push that by building those accounts in his name.
We will be building a network of different opportunities for those who wish to donate to our cause. Our hope is to make it a regular thing with some fun added in.
Outside of basic operating costs to keep this website running, which is very little, everything we bring in will go to funding the futures of Bob's kids by building up accounts that are already actively managed by a family member. Rest assured that there are checks and balances set up to ensure the proper handling of all funds.
This page is dedicated to helping us build a legacy for his kids by funding accounts for his kids to use later in life. This was something that was important to him, so it's important to us. There will be several ways to contribute. Stay tuned!